Writing Nonfiction

Hi, I’m Betsy Miller. I write both nonfiction and fiction. I recently wrote a nonfiction piece for the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI). You can read it at the following link: http://www.hipdysplasia.org/Patient-Stories/Infant-and-Child/Isabelle/default.aspx Some parents wanted to share their experiences with their young daughter Isabelle’s hip dysplasia treatments. This sort of content can be tremendously helpful …

Equilibrium is now available in ebook format

I just got the news that my short story Equilibrium is available at the Untreed Reads store, and also in a number of other ebook venues. I can get my author’s copy in an ebook format of my choice. I don’t actually have an ebook reader, but if anyone in the group wants a freebie, …

Crafting a Story Description

My writing assignment was to come up with a brief description of my short story Equilibrium, which falls into the literary romance category. Though I have experience writing descriptions for nonfiction, I had never done this for a short story. I looked around a bit online and wrote this description: After her divorce from a …